The English language is not my native, so, while listening to Gwen Stefani`s Hollaback Girl I didn`t know what that expression means. Becaus...
Unknown // Friday, July 13, 2018
Flying stockings, dancing aliens, performance, art, videos, poetry... and hypnotized monkeys :)
Unknown // Friday, July 13, 2018
The English language is not my native, so, while listening to Gwen Stefani`s Hollaback Girl I didn`t know what that expression means. Becaus...
Unknown // Monday, July 9, 2018
Hurray! I made the new project where I`M DANCING POEMS! Or something like that... ;D Hum... Yes, I do a lot of things - I`m actually a da...
Unknown // Wednesday, July 4, 2018
If you find the title familiar, you`re sure from one of those countries that treat artist as pieces of s****. (Sorry for bad language.) I`m ...
Tonight a comet Zenora is passing just 70 miles near Earth, which is a sign it`s a perfect time for R`N`R! Let`s hear something new f...